Realtime Driver Drowsiness Detection (Sleep Detection)

  • 2017-09-12
  • Taha Emara
  • Opencv, Machine Learning, Dlib, Deep Learning, Computer Vision

In this post, I introduce an app for realtime driver drowsiness detection (Sleep Detection) using facial landmarks.

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Weka Java example

How to use Weka in your Java code

In this post, I will explain how to generate a model from ARFF dataset file and how to classify a new instance with this model using Weka API in Java.

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Object recognition using TensorFlow and Java

Using TensorFlow and Inception-v3 model, I built this small demo in Java to recognize objects in images and classify it into 1000 classes like Lion, Frog, Flowers, ....etc.

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Hnadwritten digit classififcation

Handwritten digit classification using K-nearest neighbors algorithm

One of the most important aims of machine learning is to classify data into classes. For example, classifying an email to be spam or ham, a tumor is a malignant or benign, or classifying handwritten digits into one of the 10 classes.

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Implementation of classical encryption techniques in java

Implementation of classical encryption techniques in Java

In this post, I will explain classical encryption techniques Ceasar cipher, Monoalphabetic cipher, and Playfair cipher, and provide a java code demonstrating encryption and decryption processes for each one.

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Scheduling Algorithms

Real Time Scheduling Algorithms

In this post, I will briefly give an introduction to real-time CPU scheduling algorithms Rate Monotonic Scheduling and Earliest Deadline First Scheduling and list an example for each algorithm and model answer with Gantt chart.

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Scheduling Algorithms

CPU Scheduling Algorithms

In this post, I will briefly give an introduction to different CPU scheduling algorithms and list an example for each algorithm and model answer with Gantt chart.

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IOT with Raspberry PI and Android (control LEDs remotely)

  • 2016-08-22
  • Taha Emara
  • Raspberry Pi, Internet of Things

IOT is a concept provides a link for an object (sensors, lamps, …Etc) or a systems as HVAC or lighting systems to the Internet. It extends the connectivity of the Internet beyond PCs, tablets and smart phones.

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